PinnedWhat Lives in the Static: Part 1 — Angler FishPart 1 of a monthly new weird serial exploring scientific hubris, collapsing realities, and the defiant beauty of queer love in the face…3d ago3d ago
PinnedI’m sorry I haven’t been super present lately, it’s just that there’s this giant feral raccoon…Hey there! I just wanted to say that I’m so so sorry to have been a little MIA recently- but I have a really good reason, I promise.Jul 26, 20214Jul 26, 20214
PinnedPublished inHeartSupportNew Year, Same FatigueThe year’s barely begun but it’s okay if you’re already exhausted.Feb 3, 2021Feb 3, 2021
PinnedPublished inHeartSupportGrief is Not a TestI lost my dad during the pandemic and tried to fast track my grief. It didn’t work.Oct 29, 20203Oct 29, 20203
How to Separate the Art from the Artist… Who is Also My FriendSo just, like, be cool okay?Sep 13, 20211Sep 13, 20211
Here’s How I Made $69,420 on Medium Last MonthYou could say I’m pretty… nice for sharing my tips.Feb 6, 20213Feb 6, 20213
Given Recent Circumstances, I Have Decided to Spend the Rest of this Year Running an…Hello,Sep 29, 20202Sep 29, 20202
Published inHeartSupportIt’s Time to Let Bipolar People TalkMore often than not, we’re reduced to horrible archetypes who ruin everyone’s livesAug 10, 20205Aug 10, 20205
Published inI Hope This Finds You WellOn EscapismA letter from Devon Henry to Anthony KozlowskiAug 6, 2020Aug 6, 2020
Same as it Ever was: Spider Bites and EnnuiIt’s a Sunday night. I have an infected spider bite on my knee the size of a silver dollar pancake. This isn’t news, this time of year I…Jul 20, 20202Jul 20, 20202